Our experienced Adult Volunteers and Cadet leadership below run the day-to-day operations at Falcon Division.
Our Headquarters Staff, located in Arlington, Virginia, is lead by our Executive Director, RADM Andy Lennon, USN (Ret.)
We are committed to excellence, professionalism, and mentoring the next generation of young Americans!
Our Headquarters Staff, located in Arlington, Virginia, is lead by our Executive Director, RADM Andy Lennon, USN (Ret.)
We are committed to excellence, professionalism, and mentoring the next generation of young Americans!
Sea Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade
Brittany DiPippo, NSCC
Commanding Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 401-808-5390
Brittany DiPippo, NSCC
Commanding Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 401-808-5390
Sea Cadet Chief Petty Officer
Luke Graham, NSCC
Command Chief Petty Officer
Luke Graham, NSCC
Command Chief Petty Officer
BM1 Scott Graham, USNR
Military Training Officer
Military Training Officer
FC1 Audrey Wila, USN
U.S. Navy Recruiting Liaison
U.S. Navy Recruiting Liaison
Sea Cadet Lieutenant Junior Grade
Haley Bruce, NSCC
Supply Officer
Haley Bruce, NSCC
Supply Officer
Sea Cadet Petty Officer First-Class
Gabrielle Virtue, NSCC
Leading Petty Officer
Gabrielle Virtue, NSCC
Leading Petty Officer
Sea Cadet Petty Officer Third-Class
Jackson Boisvert, NSCC
Assistant Leading Petty Officer
Bravo Company Commander
Jackson Boisvert, NSCC
Assistant Leading Petty Officer
Bravo Company Commander
Sea Cadet Seaman Apprentice
Matthew Imondi, NSCC
Alpha Company Commander
Matthew Imondi, NSCC
Alpha Company Commander
Sea Cadet Seaman Apprentice-Temporary
Michael Baker, NSCC
Charlie Company Commander
Michael Baker, NSCC
Charlie Company Commander
Sea Cadet Petty Officer Second-Class
Levi Bright, NSCC
X-Ray Company Commander
Levi Bright, NSCC
X-Ray Company Commander
Sea Cadet Seaman
Thomas Phelps, NSCC
Thomas Phelps, NSCC
Sea Cadet Seaman
Leium Quinones, NSCC
Assistant Master-At-Arms
Leium Quinones, NSCC
Assistant Master-At-Arms